“From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Matthew 4:17 KJV
We have many timid boys who preach what Jesus did, but not why He did it.
We have many timid boys preaching sermons that are half-truths. They water down the true Gospel in order to produce an accommodating gospel that attracts the carnal man. Their preaching has little to no conviction, does not demand a turning from sin, and denies the call towards obedience and a changed lifestyle. Simply put: it’s preaching that says what Jesus did, but does not say why He did it. These so-called pastors refuse to associate themselves or speak upon the Doctrine of Repentance, even though it was the Lord Jesus Christ’s first word of His ministry: “REPENT” (Matthew 4:17).
We would rather sit back and enjoy all that is found in Christ, without listening and obeying the commands of Christ.
How dangerous it is for us to coast on while a world goes to Hell. We would rather comfort people in their sins, then confront them in their sins. We would rather sit back and enjoy all that is found in Christ, without listening and obeying the commands of Christ. What a sad truth it is that repentance is the fleeting doctrine of our day. Many preachers fear men more than they fear God. They want to draw the numbers rather than provide the full Truth. They’d rather be liked, than hated for the Truth. How dangerous it is for many to sit under such preaching - if, we may even call it that.
Now, many are going to become upset and angry. Those who disagree with this message will simply shut it down. Why will this be the case for some readers? Simply because they have bought into the ideology of theology from one man and have refused to take the time to read what the Word of God has to say. Many are sitting in canoes without paddles; going wherever the wind and sea take them. They are lazy and have no desire to take the time to develop a relationship with the Lord. They are men and women who simply believe everything their preacher has to say. Dear friend, my Bible says, “Stop regarding man, whose breath of life is in his nostrils; For why should he be esteemed?” (Isaiah 2:22). Read the Word of God, for it alone is the only infallibility that has stood the test of time.
Preaching is a passion that is derived from the Holy Spirit and is planted deep within the soul of a man who has a burden for a lost and dying world.
Those who are not willing to speak the full truths from Genesis to Revelation; those who refuse to preach the tougher messages that are found in God’s Word; those who do not have the courage to tell people that a Holy God demands a heart that seeks to turn from sin, should step down from their position as a pastor. Preaching is not a profession to make your name known; nor is preaching a means to make money and have a reputation while you comfort people into Hell. No dear friend, preaching is a passion that is derived from the Holy Spirit and is planted deep within the soul of a man who has a burden for a lost and dying world.
Obedience and repentance are not works of the faith; they are attributes of the faith.
If we were to open up the entire Scriptures and see all the times “repentance” was mentioned, it would be well over one-hundred. It is important to note that obedience and repentance are not works of the faith; they are attributes of the faith. If a person’s faith does not give them an inner desire to repent and obey, it is doubtful to say that person is truly converted. As born-again believers, we cannot sin without being convicted by the Holy Spirit. As truly converted Christians, we do not indulge and live in habitual sin. When we have the Holy Spirit, our heart begins to encounter a supernatural transformation from the things of this world towards the heavenly realm. Wisdom is gathered from On High and we begin to seek godliness rather than sinfulness. The Christian life is not a perfect walk, but it is a progressive walk through the sanctification of the Holy Spirit; which is only derived from our salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ.
Nothing will stand or speak on our behalf when we stare God in the face except the Word of God - the Lord Jesus Christ.
Do not allow yourself to simply follow man’s doctrine. In this day and age where there are wolves in sheep's clothing at every turn (Matthew 7:15), we need to go to the Word of God ourselves and ask for wisdom and discernment. How sad it will be for those who have read this message and the Bible and neglected its caution. How devastating it will be for many to hear a message such as this and simply cast it to the side because “they don’t like it” or “they don’t agree with it”. Dear friend, all we have is the Word of God. Nothing else will stand or speak on our behalf when we stare God in the face. As I will one day stand naked before The One and Only Holy God, I at least will be able to say, “God, by the power of Your Holy Spirit, I believed Your Word and I strived to obey it as best I could. I believed that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior.”
Don’t let your soul sit in the hands of someone else.
Eternal security lies in Christ alone, and Christ can only be known accurately through the Scriptures. My friend, don’t let your soul sit in the hands of someone else. Don’t deceive yourself for the moment that you don’t have to change and that a little prayer will save you. To put it bluntly: Your opinion, and my opinion mean absolutely nothing in light of Truth that has been present since the foundation of the world. It doesn’t matter what we think or how we feel. It only matters what our Creator has to say. He is the Ultimate Authority. I pray that He would pierce our hearts and that His presence would reach the deepest parts of our inner being. May He give us a desire to seek Him, and may we continue to allow Him to operate throughout our lives as He sanctifies us and gives us a faith of submission and genuine repentance.
O God in Heaven, give us a heart that longs to obey You and repents when we are in the wrong. Your Word alone is all we need to know Truth and to find hope and purpose. Our hearts long to serve You, Lord. Draw us nigh to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Lance VanTine