“There is no remembrance of former things, Nor will there be any remembrance of things that are to come By those who will come after.” Ecclesiastes 1:11 NKJV
Every generation lasts only as long as they live. For just as we have seen throughout history, all generations will one day be forgotten. Though history accentuates those who did exploits (whether good or evil), we eventually reach a point of not caring. Though we can always learn from history, we are those who live in the present. Our concern is not so much about what people did in the past. Rather, our concern is what we will do in the future.
Though history is interesting and highlights specific events and people, past generations as a whole do not intrigue us.
Think of spending time with your grandparents. They always would share stories of what they used to do with their friends back in the day. Senior citizens who we may meet randomly will begin to tell us stories of people who we have never known. For them, that is a part of their life. The people they met and the friends they made within their generation were important to them. To the next generation, we don't know of the names of the generation before, nor do we care. Though history is interesting and highlights specific events and people, past generations as a whole do not intrigue us.
We would rather watch the here and now then learn and adjust according to what once was. That is why many are led astray with the times. For although truth remains, culture's perception and handlings of truth is misguided and polluted.
For we would rather live within our generation. We would rather follow and come to know those who are currently considered intelligent, popular, and famous. We would rather watch the here and now then learn and adjust according to what once was. That is why many are led astray with the times. For although truth remains, culture's perception and handlings of truth is misguided and polluted. For it is great to keep up with the times for our profession and career. However, when it comes to God’s Word, we must never keep up with the times. Better to read and listen to those in the past who walked with Truth; namely, the Disciples and Apostles. Even still, we must take time to read the writings of the saints of old and the Puritans. For any true seeker of Truth will find the Spirit of Wisdom and Knowledge of God within such writings.
We work and strive so hard to be known in our present life, not knowing that the next generation will forget us. Though a handful of people will remember us and stories may be passed down in our lineage, the world will not care. We will not be a thought to the next generation, for they will be concerned with themselves.
How quick we are to forget the past. How disengaged we are to learn of the past. We work and strive so hard to be known in our present life, not knowing that the next generation will forget us. Though a handful of people will remember us and stories may be passed down in our lineage, the world will not care. We will not be a thought to the next generation, for they will be concerned with themselves. On and on we see this cycle and trend of people desiring to be somebody; forgetting that they will be nobodies to the next somebodies. One day, we will be forgotten, just as other generations have been forgotten.
There is no difference, no gain, and no profitability for those who believe there is no eternity to come.
“For there is no more remembrance of the wise than of the fool forever, Since all that now is will be forgotten in the days to come. And how does a wise man die? As the fool!” (Ecclesiastes 2:16 NKJV). All men and women will at some point see the grave. Those who do not die in this world will be those who will be raptured or taken in the Second Coming of the Lord’s Return (depending upon one’s belief between the two). Both the fool and the wiseman will die. Without knowing Christ, “What profit has a man from all his labor In which he toils under the sun?” (Ecclesiastes 1:3 NKJV). There is no difference, no gain, and no profitability for those who believe there is no eternity to come.
Those who are more concerned with this present life of buying and acquiring are continually being drifted away and distracted from that which truly matters. For why must we strive so hard to be remembered in this life? Have we not found that all generations shall be forgotten? What we do will be done. Lest we have Christ in our hearts and the Holy Spirit in our soul, all our work and labor is for nothing. We merely go along to get along. We merely get by and strive.
All that will be earned will soon be forgotten. This is the dark truth of those who are Atheists and believe that “there is no God”. The belief that there is no salvation or damnation. The thought that in the end we simply are no more.
All that will be earned will soon be forgotten. This is the dark truth of those who are Atheists and believe that “there is no God”. The belief that there is no salvation or damnation. The thought that in the end we simply are no more. The belief that justice will not be done to the wicked and evil. The belief that there is no reward for the good done by those who accept Christ and are born again.
People desire to have purpose and meaning in this life. They desire to be known for the good they contribute. Yet, the next generation will not care to know. Even if a person makes it into the history books, their life is read and glimpsed over for but a moment. Eventually, men attend to their daily lives and a person’s life from generations past takes a back seat in one’s mind.
This is the sad notion of all who think “there is no God”. Yet, at the same time, they desire to have purpose and meaning in this life. They desire to be known for the good they contribute. Yet, the next generation will not care to know. Even if a person makes it into the history books, their life is read and glimpsed over for but a moment. Eventually, men attend to their daily lives and a person’s life from generations past takes a back seat in one’s mind.
For we do not continually think about our great grandfathers, great grandmothers, Abraham Lincoln, Henry Ford, and Aristotle. These are names we know and, if adequate research done, lives we recognize. However, these people do not rule our thoughts or our day. In the end, we care not and easily forget about them. Yet, we ourselves strive to be as them (from the standpoint of popularity and being known). If our goals are accomplished, we will simply end up as them. We will be nothing but names known, lives temporarily reviewed, and then forgotten.
Let us desire not to be known, but to make Christ known. Time is short and eternity is long. What is done for Christ will last. What was done for self-recognition will pass.
Let us then understand the vapor of life that we have. Let us desire not to be known, but to make Christ known. Time is short and eternity is long. What is done for Christ will last. What was done for self-recognition will pass. In the blink of an eye, our names will be forgotten in this life. At the same time, our lives will be brought before Him Who shall open the Book of Life and the Book of Remembrance. It is God alone Who remembers each and every single person’s life, what they did, and how they used or did not use the time He had given.
In the blink of an eye, our names will be forgotten in this life. At the same time, our lives will be brought before Him Who shall open the Book of Life and the Book of Remembrance.
May we be found amongst the faithful who did not strive to be known in this life, but to be known by God and reveal Him to others. May we be seen as faithful servants who died to the enticements of the flesh and took up our cross for the sake of Christ. May we be those who set their eyes on things above. For “ the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal” (2 Corinthians 4:18 NKJV).
Blessed be the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Heavenly Father, You are the One to Whom all things come and to Whom we must give praise. You have been long-suffering and patient with us, O Lord. Time and time again You continue to draw us to You. You show us that this life is not all there is. You reveal to us, Father, that worldly things are not the life worth pursuing. O God, forgive us for desiring to be somebody in this world. Forgive us for wanting to be known and famous in this life. Lord, may we desire that only Christ would be famous through our lives. May His Truth and Love radiate from us. May all come to see the Eternal Light of the Holy Spirit shining within us. May our fruits be that of the Spirit’s and may our Wisdom be that of the Word. God, help us to not merely know, but to live by the reality that all generations shall be forgotten. May we strive for that which is eternal and not temporal. We love You, Lord, and we trust in Your Holy Spirit to guide us, mold us, and sanctify us into the image of Christ daily. Do what You must in us, O God. May our heart, soul, and mind forever be fixed on You, the Great I AM. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Lance VanTine