I received a dream-vision of high impact. It was a short but powerful visionary dream with prophetic interpretation. It is not an easy read.
I found myself along with my wife walking on the sidewalks of a city. All at once, I noticed the sky changed into fast floating grayish and dark clouds – clouds which were pulsating with patches of darkness of black and grey which I have never seen in such form and density. It was an awesome sight.
They were low flying clouds which you could almost reach out and touch. But one would not want to do that as they appeared to be threatening clouds – storm clouds generating something that pointed to the Lord’s doing upon the earth. I told my wife we must get inside immediately. I was not afraid, but I knew we needed to get inside to safety quickly.
The sky was becoming more ominous, gloomy, and threatening. I was thinking – is this really of you Lord? Then the dream ended.
I did not really want to think about this dream when I awoke for I knew that it was pointing to a side of the Lord that I did not want to hear about. I wanted to forget this dream and thought, no, this is just a bad dream.
As I was getting ready for church the next day, the dream kept creeping back into my mind and I finally I asked the Lord the meaning of the dream.
I felt He said to me, “What you saw in your dream was the cloud of my judgment upon this nation (America) and the cities of this nation for its wickedness is great in My sight.” This is all he said.
While at church and during the worship time, I felt the Lord bring to my mind His former statement to me and heard Him continue as I noted below. WARNING: This is a strong word from the Lord, and I recorded it as accurately as I could.
America, America,
Why do you play with fire?
Why do you persist
in walking and running down
path of unrighteousness.
Why do you not heed
the rebukes of My voice
hand upon your
nation and cities?
Are you so blind
that you are oblivious
my displeasure?
Are you so deaf
you do not hear
My voice through
the prophets
I am
sending you?
Are you so numb
that you do not seek
the divine hand that desires
to redeem you from
your path of wandering
Are you so dead
full of wickedness
that you ignore
My grace
I have placed upon you?
Oh, America, I have
called and called and
you have refused to come.
What am I to do with you?
You continue to walk
on the wrong path
now the cloud of My
judgment hand
is over you.
I have gathered from
four corners of the
earth the stormy winds
the pounding rains
the tempest of my anger
to bring against
your persistent
evil ways.
You have profaned
I made with your
long ago separating
you out
as a nation
to bear the light
My kingdom
to the world.
But now, you have left
your calling
have gone astray.
You have become a nation
of drifting sheep who
have abandoned
their Shepherd
left the fold
of divine protection,
You have chosen
a path that has brought
dishonor to
My name
you no longer
seek and search for me
as you did at first.
You have become
cold and distance
while pursuing
your own pleasures
apart from
My providence,
Hear this O’ nation of America,
the storm clouds
of My judgment
are gathering
at an accelerated rate
over your nation
for I cannot
walk with you in your
Unless there is a turning
from your wickedness,
a return to
My grace and truth,
how can I continue
to bear you up
My divine favor
on you as I have since
I spoke to your
founding Fathers
long ago.
Oh, American,
My heart aches for you,
for I have cared for you,
protected your borders,
blessed your offspring,
caused you to be
favored by the nations,
shared My wisdom
knowledge with you,
now you reject
My sovereign hand
choosing a way filled
with your own devices.
I call you to run to safety.
Come back to the
shelter of My hand –
running to the
ark of My salvation
for your severe judgments
will surely
come swiftly once it begins.
And when it begins, there
will be
weeping and sorrowing
in the nation,
in the cities,
in the homes
people will say,
“Why are these things happening to us?”
“What have we done to deserve this?”
We have not seen anything
like this happen to our nation?
Certainly, this must be hand of God
coming upon us?
“What must we do have God
once again come
be our God?
Oh, America,
will you not come back to Me
so I can collect you as
a hen covers her young ones
with her wings
care for you?
My call goes out,
the judgment approaches,
the people will mourn,
the nation will falter,
in a day,
the pride
will be broken.
I can no longer carry you
in your transgressions
for I am a holy
righteous God
a God to be feared.
Come back,
for the storm clouds
of judgment
are now upon you.
Note the following verses which I looked up after this word was given to me. These verses describe this dream, vision, and subsequent word.
It is interesting to observe the expressions of “a day of dark clouds,” “a day of darkness,” “a day of trouble and distress,” “a day of wrath,” and “storm clouds” - all which speak of His judgment. In the last citation, God describes Himself wrapped in this “darkness and thick clouds” which was His covering all around Him.
Did I have a vision of the Lord in this condition of His impending judgments as the sky I saw was unlike anything I have every witnessed. Was He in essence the embodiment of the attributes of the sky directly over me and revealing to me His coming judgments and to warn others?
The day is near,
even the day of the Lord is near;
It will be
a day of clouds, a
a time of doom for the nations.
Ezekiel 30:3
day of darkness
and gloom,
a day of clouds
thick darkness.
(Joel 2:2)
He knows that
a day of darkness
is at hand.
(Job 15:23)
A day of wrath
is that day,
a day of trouble and distress,
aA day of destruction and desolation,
a day of darkness
A day of clouds and thick darkness,
(Zeph 1:15)
The Lord who makes
the storm clouds….
(Zechariah 10:1)
He bowed the heavens and came down;
thick darkness
was under His feet.
He rode on the cherub and flew;
He came swiftly on the wings of the wind.
He made
darkness His covering,
His canopy around Him,
thick clouds dark with water.
(Psalm 18:9-11)
Also note these verses:
A flooding rain
will come and you,
O hailstones, will fall and a
violent wind will break out.
Therefore, thus says the Lord God,
I will make a
violent wind break out in My wrath.
There will also be in My anger
a flooding rain
hailstones to consume it
in wrath.
(Ezekiel 13:11, 13)
Jesus, I know when I share this dream and prophetic interpretation, many will discard it and say it will not happen to America or they will say Rich has a nice imagination, or this is not from the Lord. Dear reader, let me remind you, I am just a mailperson delivering the Word of the Lord.
But, Lord, I ask that you make this prophetic word real to those who read it and that they would get prepared in their own spiritual lives and take seriously your displeasure with America and your stern judgment to come and begin to pray fervently for this nation. In Your name, Amen.
Rich Arnold
Servant of the Lord
311 Adelaide Aves SW
Hartville, Ohio 44632
Confirming similar vision while in prayer for involvment of Churches in politics rather than seeking unity and healing as well as praying for God's will in choosing the government. Was also praying for greed of Leaders and Christian organizations who use their residence in or support of Israel as means of profiteering.
Hi Rich, the Lord has on me on a journey from understanding based on news to understanding based on searching His word and listening to Him. He told me “Watch and pray” in 2023; I was slow to understand and am still praying for wisdom, but I have felt this judgement coming as well now that He alerted me. Even a few days ago, contemplating Ezekiel 10, whether hurricane Beryl is a sign, and reading Isaiah 66, I about jumped out of my chair when a lighting bolt came down considering Isaiah 66:15.
As a watchwoman recently said at the Lord’s instruction, let us pray for God’s days of mercy to come upon His people. There’s a church in TN…
Hello Rich,
Just a few days ago I received the same meaning about clouds I saw over America, but it was from a weather map on tv, for I am in Australia. Immediately, the clouds told me of wickedness that must stop. They should repent, but I did not think any more about it.