Dear Sisters and Brothers in the Lord:
I received these prophetic words in the last several months and feel the need to share them with you.
Part 1: A Critical Time in America);
Part 2: America: A Nation in Turmoil;
Part 3: America - A Nation Falling Away from the Lord; and
Part 4: America: The Kingdom in Coming! I will post these parts one at a time in the next three to four weeks.
Do not be discouraged from what you read in these prophetic words for they reflect part of a picture of the true reality and condition of present-day America. I am only the messenger bringing these words to you which I believe the Lord has downloaded to me.
Why the Lord chose me to record and transmit these prophetic words I do not know. I know some may scoff at these posts and say Rich has lost his mind. But I must follow through and present them to you. I ask you to discern what the Holy Spirit would speak about what you will read.
Lastly, we must remember as God’s people, we are just passing through this world and this nation of America while observing the end time things which the Bible describes in the many Books of His Word. But hold on and rejoice my friend, for Christ is coming as I received His prophetic/vision word on this topic in Part 4 which will eventually posted.
Part 1 – A Critical Time in America!
I hear the Lord say,
I want you to know that I am
the author to time and time
is of Me for I brought forth time
all time is in My hand.
The time for all
nations on earth
is in My providence
all nations run
according to My time.
I am the watchman
of the time
I have created
the time
you are now in has become
a critical time
for your nation.
Your nation hangs in the balance
for it has entered
a critical time
of deciding what direction it
is going to travel apart from Me.
I once set the course of your nation –
a course of
righteousness and justice.
I called the founders
of this nation from distant shores
to lay the foundations
to set up a government
which would honor
reverence Me.
The Lord says,
I have been with this nation
called the heavenly watchers
with Me to oversee this nation
for it has been raised up
above all other nations.
It has had a
divine purpose
calling to take the light of
My kingdom to the world.
But now it has come to a
critical time
within the time
I have made
granted to it.
I once planted My word
in the depths of the soul
of your nation to guide
prosper this nation.
It is a nation which has entered
a time of turning away from
the bounties of heaven
to desiring to walk
in dry and desolate places.
Oh, America,
do you not realize
from where you came?
Do you not realize
that it is I,
the Lord of all
heaven and earth
has brought you forth,
sustained you,
showered blessing
favor upon you?
But now,
you turn as a nation as
a door turns on a hinge
you desire to plot your own way
for you have grown distant
from Me and no longer seek
Me as you did in the beginning.
I say to you that you
have entered a valley
filled with obstacles
which is making you stumble
causing you pain,
But you persist in
your own ways
not heeding My hand
which has been against
you for your
I say to you,
the time has come –
the time has arrived –
for it is the critical hour
to either continue to walk in the valley
of darkness where there is no light
to come back and forsake
the ways which have
alienated you from Me.
The sand in the hour glass
has run out –
like the leaves of the trees
which have fallen to the ground,
you have fallen
from My tree of grace.
America your time is up –
You are being summoned
by the council of heaven to
rise from your fallen position
come back to your God
which gave you this land
for the foundations need
to be restored,
truth needs to be proclaimed
from the housetops,
righteousness must spring forth,
justice needs to be put in place.
Time is of the essence.
And I say again,
the time has come America –
make your choice
walk back to me
walk in your own ways.
If you choose the latter,
I will remove My Name
from your nation
no longer will I call you
for you have forgotten Me
distained My holiness.
The hour has come –
Now make your choice!